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Lack of federal authority makes fashioning coherent national Ebola policy difficult

Discussion of conflicting quarantine guidelines

HOMELAND SECURITY NEWSWIRE                     Oct. 30, 1014
Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) issued new guidelines on how states should deal with travelers from Ebola-stricken regions, but a lack of federal authority to mandate such guidelines has led to conflicting strategies, varying from state to state, which includes mandatory at-home quarantine for some travelers. Under current U.S. law, the states have the authority to issue quarantine or isolation policies, and they also control the enforcement of these policies within their territories.

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How Ebola quarantines actually work, explained

A young man, dressed in a biohazard costume, stands on the corner of 546 West 147th Street in New York City. Bryan Thomas/Getty Images

VOX                                                                       Oct. 29, 2014
By Julia Bellez
As Ebola fears wash over America, some state governors are turning to mandatory quarantines: locking up healthy workers returning from West Africa for 21 days, Ebola's incubation period. The policy in New Jersey made national headlines after it resulted in a nurse who had no Ebola symptoms — and had been fighting the disease in West Africa, no less — being isolated in a poorly heated tent with no running shower or toilet.

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Seeking Unity, U.S. Revises Ebola Monitoring Rules


NEW YORK TIMES                        Oct. 28, 2014

By , and

The federal government on Monday tried to take charge of an increasingly acrimonious national debate over how to treat people in contact with Ebola patients by announcing guidelines that stopped short of tough measures in New York and New Jersey and were carefully devised, officials said, not to harm the effort to recruit badly needed medical workers to West Africa.

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Quarantine debate turning into a chaotic brawl

THE WASHINGTON POST                    0ct, 27, 2014
By Joel Achenbach, Brady Dennis and Lena H. Sun

The Ebola quarantine controversy has become a chaotic brawl involving politics, science and the law. The rules on quarantining health-care workers returning from West Africa are changing almost daily and varying according to geography and political climate.

The Pentagon announced Monday that Army personnel returning to their home base in Italy from Liberia will be held in quarantine for 21 days — even though none have symptoms of Ebola or were exposed to patients infected with the virus.

The military’s policy does not appear to track new guidelines announced Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which called for “high-risk” individuals and health-care workers without any symptoms to be directly monitored by state and local health authorities.

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Water's Edge - The Crisis of Rising Sea Levels
 - By Ryan McNeill, Deborah J. Nelson and Duff Wilson - September 4, 2014

As the seas rise, a slow-motion disaster gnaws at America’s shores

Part 1: A Reuters analysis finds that flooding is increasing along much of the nation’s coastline, forcing many communities into costly, controversial struggles with a relentless foe.


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Chikungunya Virus Disease Cases Reported to ArboNET - United States, 2014 (as of June 2)


*Chikungunya is not a nationally notifiable disease.

†Countries or territories visited include Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Indonesia, Martinique, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten.

‡Three additional cases were identified in residents of other countries visiting the United States.

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From Alaska to Florida, 21 Attorneys General Join Fight to Halt Chesapeake Bay Cleanup


A waning crescent moon hangs over the Chesapeake Bay just before sunrise in North Beach, Md.  Twenty one states are challenging the Obama administration's plan to clean up the bay.  (Ray K. Saunders / The Washington Post) - by Darryl Fears - February 5, 2014

Attorneys general in 21 states are backing an attempt to derail the Obama administration’s Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan, fearing that the government will use that authority to regulate wastewater in other watersheds, including the Mississippi River Basin.

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Economic and Population Issues in Somerset County, Maryland and the Broader Eastern Shore

The town of Crisfield was impacted heavily by Superstorm Sandy.  Going into its second year after Sandy's landfall, only one third of the houses impacted in Crisfield (the most heavily impacted town on the Eastern Shore) have been restored.  Infrastructure remains fragile and the economy, although temporarily improved to some degree by modest recovery funds, continues in a fragile state under long-term decline.  Overall, Crisfield's population continues in a long-term decline after being the second most prosperous city in Maryland during the late 1800s and early 1900s, before its fisheries largely collapsed with the decline in the Chesapeake Bay's ecosystem.  

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Surging Seas -- Interactive Map of Sea Rise Projections

Sea Level Rise analysis by Climate Central

Map pages show threats from sea level rise and storm surge to all 3,000+ coastal towns, cities, counties and states in the Lower 48. 


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Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Maryland’s Vulnerability to Climate Change

Report of the Maryland Commission on Climate Change -- Adaptation and Response Working Group -- July 2008


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